Bahnhof Dobermanns' close friends Rosenhof Dobermanns and Shelley Shea.
Historically, no one has been more of an ally in preserving Colman Cogswell's vision of the working Doberman more than Shelley Shea of Rosenhof Dobermans. When she first contacted me to breed to Zorro vom Eschehof, after Colman had passed away, she had Treue Rosen von Eichenhof, AKA "Rosen" bred by Amanda Miller of Eichenhof. Shelley's objective in contacting me was to breed Rosen to either Zorro von Eschenhof or Chico vom Wilminghof, as per Amada Miller's recommendation.
Rosen's sire was Donner von Adlercrest (Bismark von Donautal's sire). Donner was the foundation sire of Donautal Dobermans.
Kira von Eichenhof was Rosen's dam. Kira's sire was Zorro von Eschenhof and her dam was Dynasty's Tosca von Eichenhof.
Tosca was out of Bambi Aus Uberland.
Bambi's sire was the famous Pero von Frankenland. Pero had won the International Doberman Schutzhund trial in Europe two times in 1978 and 1979. The second time, he received a perfect 100 points in both tracking and protection, which was amazing because no other dog had ever received such high scores.
Thus Rosen's pedigree included Bismark von Donautal's sire Donner von Adlercrest, Zorro von Eschenhof, and Pero von Frankenland. What a wonderful bitch to breed into Colman's stock for a very nice linebreeding on Zorro. The sad part was that Colman had recently passed away. More sadly, when Zorro and Chico came to me, I had their fertility checked. Neither Zorro nor Chico were fertile as they were "old men" by that time.
However, Chico had the up and coming son, Avatar vom Bahnhof, who was pure Eschenhof-Nymphenburg because he was out of the brother-sister inbreeding of Chico to Deja Vu vom Wilminghof (different litters, but the same sire and dam, that is Zorro vom Eschenhof and Amanda vom Eschenhof).
Shelley was excited to do such a spectacular breeding, stacking up on the Eschenhof-Nymphenburg blood, with outcrosses to Donner v. Adlercrest and Pero v. Frankenland. She bred her A-Litter out of Avatar and Rosen. Atlas was her pride and joy. She trained him to SchH 3. Angel belonged to Shelley's husband, Brian Shea, who put a BH on her.
Asia was bred back to Avatar in a father-daughter breeding to produce the famous Boris von Rosenhof. Bianca von Rosenhof was bred to Calderon vom Bahnhof to produce Asgard's F-litter and Bahnhof's E-Litter (See Bahnhof's E-litter on this website for information about Asgard's F-litter).